articles & reviews


  •  Shepard, B (2021).  From Pandemic to Solidarity, Mutual Aid from Plague Days to Autonomous Zones. Logos Journal. Spring.
  • Shepard, B (2021).  Opinions & Observations: Gowanus Rezoning DEIS is a propaganda statement obscuring massive health and safety impacts on our community.   24 May. Brooklyn Eagle.
  • Violette, L., Rodeen, P. and Shepard, B. 2021.  Five Myths about the Gowanus Rezoning..  City Limits. 8 February.
  • Shepard, B. (2021) “Good Trouble: How Deviants, Criminals, Heretics, and Outsiders Have Changed the World for the Better ” Volume 50, Issue 1. Contemporary Sociology.
  • When Bodies Decompose, ACT UP, Covid-19 and Déjà vu. Logos Journal.
  •  Shepard, B (2020). On Water and Work, Sailors and Laborers, a Short Review of Peter Riley’s Against Vocation: Whitman, Melville, Crane, and the Labors of American Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2019) and Caroline Chamberlin Hellman’s Children of the Raven and the Whale: Visions and Revisions of American Literature (University of Virginia Press, 2019). Logos Journal. Spring. 



  • Social Work and Eco-social Transition in Urban Communities.  In Aila-Leena Matthies and Kati Närhi eds.  Ecosocial Transition of Societies:  Contribution of Social Work and Social Policy.  Routledge, London. P. 158-73.

  • Urban Spaces as Living Theater: Toward a Public Space Party for Play, Poetry, and Naked Bike Rides in New York City, 2010-2015.  Revue française d'études américaines #146 p. 107-24
  •  Revolutionary Games and Repressive Tolerance: on the hopes and limits of ludic citizenship.  European Journal of Humour Research.  Fall 3(2/3)
  • “Conversation and Dialogue in Social Work Education,” Holistic Engagement: Transformative Social Work Education in the 21st Century. Edited by: Loretta Pyles, Ph.D. and Gwendolyn J. Adam, Ph.D.  New York: Oxford University Press. P. 101-114
  • From Emma Goldman to Riot Grrrl: Sex Work, Public Space and the Transformation of Streets: Review essay on Sex Workers of the World Unite: A History of the Movement from Stonewall to Slutwalk by Melinda Chateauvert.  New Political Science. Vol. 37, No. 3, 424–428
  • McCave, E. Shepard, B. and Ramseyer Winter, Virginia Lynn.  2014. “Human Sexuality as a Critical Subfield in Social Work.” Advances in Social Work. 409-427.
    (read article here)
  • DIY Urbanism As An Environmental Justice Strategy: The Case Study of Time's Up! 1987- 2012. Theory in Action number 7, volume 2.

  • Between Harm Reduction, Loss and well: on the Occupational Hazards of Work. Harm Reduction Journal. 10 (5). April.
    (read article here)
  • The Battle of Brooklyn: World City and Space of Neighborhoods.
    Theory and Action
    . 6(1). April.
    (read article here)
  • Cyclists Must Be Part of the Long Term Plan for New York.
    Huffington Post. 20 February.
    (read article here)
  • From Flooded Neighborhoods to Sustainable Urbanism: A New YorkDiary.  Socialism and Democracy.  27(2): 42-46    
    (read article here)      
  • Community Gardens, Creative Community Organizing & Environmental Activism
    in Environmental Social Work (pp. 121-34) London: Routledge.
    edited by M. Gray, J. Coates, & T. Hetherington
    (read article here)
  • Direct Action (written with K Moore)
    in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements
    edited by D. A. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans. D. McAdam London: Wiley-Blackwell
    (read article here)
  • Occupying against Inequality
    in Socialism and Democracy 26(2) 26-29
    (read article here)
  • From Community Organization to Direct Services: The Street Trans Action
    in Revolutionaries to Sylvia Rivera Law Project.
    in Journal of Social Service Research (October 1-20)
    (read article here)
  • Occupy Wall Street and Labor
    in Working USA: A Journal of Labor. 15(1):121-34
    (read article here)
  • Reflections and the Narrative Turn in Social Work
    in Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping 18(1)83-5
    (read article here)

  • Protesting Budget Austerity in New York's Contested Public Spaces
    In The Huffington Post
    (read article here)
  • Progressive Community Organizing: A Review Essay
    in Journal of Progressive Human Services. 22(1) 103-13.
    (read article here)
  • Theater Review: Watching Kushner with Footnotes
    in WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Volume XIV, Number 3. 443-48.
    (download article)
  • In Defense of the Silly: From Direct Action to the Pies of March.
    in The Huffington Post. March 23, 2011
    (download article)
  • Focus on Making Streets Safer For All
    in The Brooklyn Paper
    (download article)
  • Review: Social Problems: A Sevice Learning Approach
    Corey Dolgon and Chris Baker
    (download review)
  • Review: Celluloid Activist
    Michael Schiavi
    (download review)
  • Review: Moving Politics: Emotions and ACT UP’s Fight against AIDS
    Deborah Gould
    (download review)
  • It's All About Organizing
    In the Humanity & Society, 2010, VOL. 34 (August: 255-261)
    (download article)
  • Bridging the divide between queer theory sage and anarchism
    in Sexualities 2010 13:511
    (download article)
  • Lessons for Multi-Issue Organizing: From the Women’s Movement to Struggles for Global Justice.
    in Social Justice in Context. 5(1):36-55.
    (download article)
  • Paul Revere Ride to Save the Community Gardens.
    on The Huffington Post,  September 3rd 2010
    (read the article)
  • Queer Politics and Anti-Capitalism: From Theory to Praxis. 
    In Queering Paradigms. Edited by S. Burkhard
    (download article)
  • DIY Politics and Queer Activism.
    In the Middle of a Whirlwind: Movement, Movements, and Contemporary Radical Currents in the United States.
    edited by Team Colors  (Craig Hughes, Stevie Peace, Kevin Van Meter)
    (download article)
  • Reviving the Tribe: Friendship and Social Relations in the Work and
    Play of Eric Rofes
    in Theory in Action, Vol. 3, No.3
    (download article)
  • Teaching Community Projects
    in Reflections - Summer 2010
    (download article)
  • Syringe Exchange: A Moral Issue
    co-writen by Erica Poellot
    in The Body (
    (download article)
  • Harvey Milk & the Politics of Neighborhood
    in Lambda Literary Review
    (download article)
  • Responding to Harvey: Its All About Organizing
    in Interface Journal
    (download article)
  • Review: The Accidental American: Immigration and Citizenship in the
    Age of Globalization.
    Rinku Sen with Mamdouh, Fekkak
    (download review)
  • Review: Protest and Organization in the Alternative Globalization Era
    Heather Gautney
    (download review)
  • Review: Kicked Out
    Sassafras Lowrey, editor
    (download review)
  • Treatment Action Campaign
    In the International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest
    Edited by Immanuel Ness

    (download article)
  • History, Narrative, and Sexual Identity: Gay Liberation
    and Post-War Movements for Sexual Freedom in the United States.
    In The Story of Sexual Identity: Narrative
    perspectives on the gay and lesbian life course.
    Edited by P. L. Hammack and B.J. Cohler
    (download article)
  • Talking Writing and Activism
    in Where We are Now, volume 2
    (download article)
  • Review: Milk
    Directed by Gus Van Sant
    (download review
  • Review: Imaginal Machines: Compositions of Autonomy
    & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life
    Stevphen Shukaitis
    (download review)
  • Four Narratives of Anti-Poverty Community Mobilization: Lower East Side Collective, Housing Works, the New York City AIDS Housing Network Human Rights Watch, and the More Gardens! Coalition.
    Humanity and Society: Journal of the Association of Humanist Sociology. 33(4):317-340
    (download article)
  • Housing Works, Shelter Kills!: An Oral History of Housing Works. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping. 14(1):4-14.
    (download article)
  • Defending Democracy, History, and Union Square (one zap at a time)
    (download article)
  • Performing vs. the Insurmountable: Theatrics, Activism, and Social Movements
    by Benjamin Shepard, L. M. Bogad, & Stephen Duncombe
    Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies Vol. 4, No. 3, October 2008

    (download article)
  • "Union Square is Not For Sale" Declare Activists
    The Brooklyn Rail, June 2008
    (download article)
  • On Challenging Authority: An Oral History Interview with
    Frances Fox Piven
    Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping. 14(2):3-15
    (download article)
  • Review: Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity, and the Commerce of Sex
    Elizabeth Bernstein
    WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society

    (download article)
  • Shifting Priorities in US AIDS Policy
    in The Global Politics of AIDS, Paul G. Harris and Patricia D. Siplon (editors)
    (download article)
  • Bridging the Praxis Divide: From Direct Action to Direct Services and Back Again
    in Constituent Imagination: Militant Investigations, Collective Theorization.
    Stevphen Shukaitis (Editor), David Graeber (Editor), Erika Biddle (Contributor)

    (download article)
  • Harm Reduction Outreach Services and Engagement of Chemically Dependent Homeless People Living with HIV/AIDS: An Analysis of Service Utilization Data to Evaluate Program Theory.
    in The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine (2007) 23:26-32.
    (download article)
  • From Connection To Seperation (And Back): Social Movements and May Day
    in WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Volume 10 · September 2007
    (download article)
  • Play, Creativity, And Social Movements
    Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice.
    (download article)
  • Sex Panic and the Welfare State
    Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare
    (download article)
  • Review: Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy
    Stephen Duncombe
    WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society

    (download article
  • Review: Beyond abstinence: toward a different kind of yardstick
    Journal of Sex Research, May, 2007
    (download article)
  • Review: Electoral Guerilla Theatre
    Larry Bogad

    (download article)
  • Gay and AIDS Activist Eric Rofes is dead at age 53
    in PageOneQ
    (download article).
  • Not Quite Queer by Benjamin Shepard.
    in Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity,
    M. B. Sycamore editor

    (download article)
  • Toward a Ludic Counterpublic: Play, Creativity, and the New Street Activism
    in Drain Magazine
    (download article)
  • Fifty Years of Ritalin
    in Psychology of Freedom Journal
    (download article)
  • A Campaign to End AIDS Once and for All
    in Monthly Review Zine
    (download article)
  • Community Building in the Era of the Patriot ACT; Arrested for Stickering, Biking,
    and other Misadventures (with Creative Direct Action)
    in Journal of Aesthetics & Protest.
    (download article)
  • The Use of Joyfulness as a Community Organizing Strategy
    in Peace & Change, Vol. 30, No. 4, October 2005
    (download article)
  • The New Model Army of Clowns: From Rize to the G8 Zaps, Clowning Asserts a Radical Imagination of Resistance
    in The Monthly Review Zine
    (download article)
  • Play, Creativity, and the New Community Organizing
    in Journal of Progressive Human Services, Vol. 16(2) 2005.
    (download article)
  • Review: Notorius H.I.V., The Media Spectable of Nushawn Williams
    Thomas Shevory
    Lambda Book Report, January, February, March 2005

    (download article)
  • Review: The End of Gay (and the Death of Heterosexuality)
    Bert Archer
    Lambda Book Report, January, February, March 2005

    (download article)
  • Review: Review of Bringing the War Home: The Weather Underground, The Red Army Faction, and Revolutionary Violence in the Sixties and Seventies
    Jeremy Varon
    Left Turn Magazine

    (download article)
  • Review: Charting Transnational Democracy: Beyond Global Arrogance.
    Janie Leatherman, Julie A. Webber
    Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research

    (download article)
  • Playin’It Straight: Fighting to Turn NYC into a Patriot Act Free Zone
    in The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest
    (download article).
  • Sylvia and Sylvia’s Children: a Battle for a Queer Public
    in That’s Revolting: Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation
    Edited Mattilda aka Matt Bernstein Sycamore

    (download article)
  • A Short, Personal History of the Global Justice Movement
    in Confronting Capitalism
    Edited by E. Yuen, D. Burton-Rose and G. Katsiaficas

    (download article)
  • Review: Come Out Fighting: A Century of Essential Writing on Gay & Lesbian Liberation
    Chris Bull (editor)
    Lambda Book Report, October, November 2004

    (download article)
  • Review: Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined its Citizens and Privatized its Public
    Matthew A. Crenson and Benjamin Ginsberg
    Journal of Progressive Human Services

    (download article)
  • Review: The Battle of Seattle: The New Challenge to Capitalist Globalization
    Eddie Yuen, Daniel Burton-Rose and George Katsiaficas (editors)
    (download article)
  • Review: The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million Americans Beth Shulman
    WorkingUSA, vol. 7, no. 4, Spring 2004

    (download article)
  • Review Essay:
    We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-Capitalism
    Notes from Nowhere (editors)
    The Movement of Movements: Is Another World Really Possible?
    Tom Mertes (editors)
    Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World
    David Solnit (editors)
    New Political Science, Volume 26, Number 4, December 2004

    (download article)
  • Review: Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History
    James A. Morone
    Logos 3.2 – Spring 2004

    (download article)
  • Review: Implicating Empier: Globalization and Resistance in the 21st Century World Order
    Stanley Aronowitz and Heather Gautney (editors)
    Journal of Progressive Human Services

    (download article)
  • Review: Queer Theories
    Donald E. Hall (editor)
    Lambda Book Report, February 2004

    (download article)
  • Review: Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American
    Black Market
    Eric Schlosser
    WorkingUSA—Winter 2003–2004

    (download article)
  • Review: Solitary Sex: A Cultural History of Masturbation
    Thomas W. Laqueur
    Sexualities 7(3)

    (download article)
  • Review of Beyond Shame: Reclaiming the Abandoned History of Radical Gay
    Patrick Moore.
    Left Turn (2004, September/October)

    (download article)
  • Review: Stonewall: the Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution
    David Carter
    Lambda Book Report (2004, August/September)

    (download article)
  • Review: Wide Open Town: A History of Queer San Francisco
    Nan Alamilla Boyd.
    Left Turn,(2004, December/ January)

    (download article)
  • From Global Justice to Antiwar and Back Again: A Personal Chronicle of a Season of ‘Better to Laugh than Cry” Antiwar Activism.
    in Journal of Aesthetics & Protest
    (download article).
  • Absurd Responses vs. Earnest Politics, Global Justice vs. Anti War Movements, Guerilla Theater and Aesthetic Solutions
    in Journal of Aesthetics & Protest
    (download article)
  • In Search of a Winning Script: Moral Panic vs. Institutional Denial
    in Sexualities
    (download article)
  • Fences and Piers: An Investigation of a Disappearing Queer Public Space in Manhattan
    (download article)
  • Review: Race, Media and the Crisis of Civil Society: From
    Watts to Rodney King
    Ronald M. Jacobs,
    Urban Affairs Review 2003; 38; 867

    (download article)
  • Review Essay:
    Melancholia and Moralism: Essays on AIDS and Queer Politics
    Douglas Crimp,
    Publics and Counterpublics
    by Michael Warner,
    Radical Society

    (download article)
  • Review Essay:
    The Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin
    John D'Emilio
    Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin
    Devon W. Carbado and Donald Weise (editors)
    Lambda Book Report, October/Novemeber 2003

    (download article)
  • Review: Remaking New York: Primitive Globalization and the
    Politics of Urban Community
    William Sites
    Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 38, No. X, Month 2003

    (download article)
  • Review: Stayin' Alive: The Invention of Safe Sex, A Personal History
    Richard Berkowitz
    Lambda Book Report, Ocotber/November 2003

    (download article)
  • AIDS Activism and Reagan’s Revenge.
    in Radical Society, 29(3),
    (download article).
  • On the Road Again: IMF/World Bank Protests Show a Revived Movement for Global Justice
    in Counter Punch
    (download article)
  • Community as a Source for Democratic Politics in Making Democracy Work: Reforming the American Political System for the 21st Century
    Edited by R. Hayduk and K. Mattson
    (download article)
  • The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power: A Reassessment
    (download article)
  • Reclaiming the Streets of New York
    by Benjamin H. Shepard & Kelly Moore
    in Critical Mass: Bicycling's Defiant Celebration
    Edited by Chris Carlson
    (download article)
  • Notes on ACT-UP!
    (download article)
  • FIERCE! Youth vs. "Residents in Distress" and other Gentrifiers
    in Counter Punch, October 5, 2002
    (download article)
  • Cruising the Obits: adventures in a cultural iconography
    Benjamin Shepard and Caroline Shepard
    (download article)
  • Review: Masses, Classes, and the Public Sphere
    Mike Hill and Warren Montag (editors)
    WorkingUSA, vol. 6, no. 1, Summer 2002,

    (download article)
  • Review: Tearing Down the Streets: Adventures in Urban Anarcy
    Jeff Ferrell
    Socialism and Democracy, Volume 2, July 2002

    (download article)
  • Review: Bill Ayers, Fugitive Days: A Memoir
    Bill Ayers
    Monthly Review 2002

    (download article)
  • The Queer/Gay Assimilationist Split: The Suits vs. the Sluts
    in Monthly Review, May 2001
    (download article)
  • Review: Out at Work: Building a Gay–Labor Alliance
    Kitty Krupat & Patric McCreery (editors)
    WorkingUSA—Spring 2001

    (download article)
  • Esperanza, Garden of Hope
    in Tenant.Net, The Online Resource for Residential Tenants
    (download article)
  • The Coqui vs. the Bulldozer: Lower East Siders Mobilize to Defend Garden
    in Tenant.Net, The Online Resource for Residential Tenants
    (download article)
  • Thomas Meyer: a Tragic Comedy of Sorts
    (download article)
  • Primordial Bonds, Breaks, Social Marketing and a Fresh Look at AIDS Prevention Policy
    in The Advocate's Forum, Winter/Spring, 1997, Vol. 3, No.2
    (download article)
  • Choosing Our Battles (Four Oral Histories Look Back at the First Generation
    of an Unwanted Disease).
    in Minnesota Review
    (download article)